Determining the Non-Destructive Testing Frequency of the Metal of Slightly Defective NPP Equipment and Pipelines Based on a Risk-oriented Approach

  • Дмитрий [Dmitriy] Александрович [A.] Кузьмин [Kuz’min]
  • Марина [Marina] Владимировна [V.] Верташенок [Vertashenok]
  • Олег [Oleg] Сергеевич [S.] Толкачев [Tolkachev]
Keywords: nuclear power plant, non-destructive testing, fracture probability, postulated flaws, limited number of non-destructive testing results


The frequency of performing non-destructive testing in the absence of sufficient data on detected discontinuities is determined with the aim to justify the possibility of shifting the equipment and pipelines for 10-year intervals between examinations using a risk-oriented approach and optimizing the production costs at a nuclear power plant.

The determination is based on a risk-oriented approach and the probability of flaws to exist in equipment or pipelines, and takes into account the flaw growth during operation, the fracture mechanics, probability theory and mathematical statistics. Discontinuities are represented as cracks proceeding from conservative assumptions. This approach makes it possible to determine the frequency of non-destructive testing when there is a limited number of results of previous examinations (slightly defective equipment and pipelines) and is a further development of the methodology set out in the document “Justification of the Admissibility of Changing the Scopes and Frequency of In-Service Non-Destructive Testing of the Metal of Secondary Circuit Equipment and Pipelines at Nuclear Power Plants with VVER-1000 and VVER-1200 Reactors” applied at Rosenergoatom Concern JSC. Operational data, design data and non-destructive testing results serve as initial data for the approach.

By using the developed approach, it is possible to obtain the distribution of residual flaws of equipment and pipelines for NPP subsystems, i.e., the probability of a residual (missed) flaw after inspection and repair as a function of its size, which helps determine the probability and risk of failure and the non-destructive testing frequency. In developing the approach, more than 4000 data on discontinuities detected during non-destructive testing were processed, and residual flaw distribution coefficients for the secondary circuit equipment and pipelines at NPPs with VVER reactors were obtained.

The developed approach can be applied for the secondary or tertiary third circuit of NPPs with VVER or fast reactors, respectively.

The approach is a further development of the methodology developed for NPPs, and opens the possibility to evaluate the non-destructive testing frequency when there is a limited amount of non-destructive testing results. Calculation examples for the secondary circuit pipelines of the NPP with a VVER reactor are given.

Information about authors

Дмитрий [Dmitriy] Александрович [A.] Кузьмин [Kuz’min]

Ph.D. (Techn.), Head of Strength Reliability of NPP Equipment and Pipelines Dept., All-Russian Research Institute for Nuclear Power Plants Operation, e-mail:

Марина [Marina] Владимировна [V.] Верташенок [Vertashenok]

Ph.D.-student, Chief Specialist of Strength Reliability of NPP Equipment and Pipelines Dept., All-Russian Research Institute for Nuclear Power Plants Operation, e-mail:

Олег [Oleg] Сергеевич [S.] Толкачев [Tolkachev]

Ph.D.-student, Engineer of Strength Reliability of NPP Equipment and Pipelines Dept., All-Russian Research Institute for Nuclear Power Plants Operation, e-mail:


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For citation: Kuz’min D.A., Vertashenok M.V., Tolkachev O.S. Determining the Non-Destructive Testing Frequency of the Metal of Slightly Defective NPP Equipment and Pipelines Based on a Risk-oriented Approach. Bulletin of MPEI. 2023;5:122—128. (in Russian). DOI: 10.24160/1993-6982-2023-5-122-128
Nuclear Power Plants, Fuel Cycle, Radiation Safety (Technical Sciences) (2.4.9)