Bulk Heating and Surface Evaporation of Nanofluids under Solar Radiation

  • Куок Тхинь [Quoc Thinh] Чан [Tran]
  • Александр [Aleksandr] Сергеевич [S.] Дмитриев [Dmitriev]
Keywords: nanofluid, surface evaporation, bulk heating, optical properties, mathematical model, solar thermal power engineering


The heating and evaporation processes of various distilled water-based nanofluids are studied theoretically and experimentally. A mathematical model for heating of nanofluids consisting of spherical nanoparticles has been developed for preliminarily assessing the efficiency of heating them by solar radiation. The model developed is a homogeneous system the optical properties of which are described based on Rayleigh scattering. In the course of the theoretical study, the heating rates were calculated, and the temperature distribution over the nanofluid depth was obtained as a function of various parameters, including the concentration and size of nanoparticles, the incident radiation intensity, etc. The experimental study of heating and surface evaporation of nanofluids prepared on the basis of oxide and carbon nanomaterials was carried out under laboratory conditions using a solar simulator. As a result, data on the mass flux of the liquid evaporated and the variation with time of the nanofluid temperature and the nanoparticle concentration were obtained. The experimental results have shown that the contribution of nanoparticles to the solar radiation absorption in the infrared wavelength band is relatively small, and that it is the basic fluid (water) that plays the main role in the absorption of radiation in this band. The theoretical model successfully predicted the nanofluid heating process development trend and demonstrated the heating rate variation pattern depending on the series of parameters. At the same time, theoretical calculations showed a reduced heating efficiency of the nanofluids considered by almost a factor of two in comparison with that seen in the experiments. This is attributed in the main to the approximation and assumptions adopted in determining the thermophysical and optical properties of nanofluids. The latter ones involve certain difficulty, and several approaches are required to evaluate them. The results obtained in this work will serve as the basis for developing a more accurate mathematical model and continuing research into the nanofluid heating process in different modes to determine the optimal mode for the conversion of solar radiation into heat and/or vapor in solar thermal power engineering.

Information about authors

Куок Тхинь [Quoc Thinh] Чан [Tran]

Ph.D.-student, Assistant of Low Temperatures Dept., NRU MPEI, e-mail: tranqth.96@gmail.com

Александр [Aleksandr] Сергеевич [S.] Дмитриев [Dmitriev]

Dr.Sci. (Techn.), Professor of Low Temperatures Dept., NRU MPEI, e-mail: asdmitriev@mail.ru


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Для цитирования: Чан Куок Тхинь, Дмитриев А.С. Объемный нагрев и поверхностное испарение наножидкостей под воздействием солнечного излучения // Вестник МЭИ. 2023. № 6. С. 110—119. DOI: 10.24160/1993-6982-2023-6-110-119
Работа выполнена при поддержке Российского научного фонда (проект № 23-19-00840) https://rscf.ru/project/23-19-00840/
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11. Trong Tam Nguyen e. a. Carbon Nanomaterial-based Nanofluids for Direct Thermal Solar Absorption. Nanomaterials. 2020;10(6):1199.
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15. Gimeno F.A. On the Use of Nanofluids to Enhance the Direct Absorption of Solar Radiation. Castello de la Plana: Jaume I University, 2019.
16. Sajid H.M. e. a. Spotlight on Available Optical Properties and Models of Nanofluids: a Review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Rev. 2015;43:750—762.
17. Said, Z., Saidur R., Rahim N.A. Optical Properties of Metal Oxides Based Nanofluids. Intern. Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer. 2014;59:46—54.
18. Ding T., Zhou Y., Ong W., Ho G. Hybrid Solar-driven Interfacial Evaporation Systems: Beyond Water Production Towards High Solar Energy Utilization. Materials Today. 2021;42:178—191.
19. Awais M. e. a. Synthesis, Heat Transport Mechanisms and Thermophysical Properties of Nanofluids: a Critical Overview. Intern. J. Thermofluids. 2021;10:100086.
20. Panduro E.A.C. e. a. A Review of the Use of Nanofluids as Heat-transfer Fluids in Parabolic-trough Collectors. Appl. Thermal Eng. 2022;211. P. 118346.
21. Lee Y., Jeong H., Sung Y. Thermal Absorption Performance Evaluation of Water-based Nanofluids (CNTs, Cu, and Al2O3) for Solar Thermal Harvesting. Energies. 2021;14(16):4875
For citation: Tran Quoc Thinh, Dmitriev A.S. Bulk Heating and Surface Evaporation of Nanofluids under Solar Radiation. Bulletin of MPEI. 2023;6:110—119. (in Russian). DOI: 10.24160/1993-6982-2023-6-110-119
The work is executed at support: Russian Science Foundation (Project No. 23-19-00840) https://rscf.ru/project/23-19-00840/
Theoretical and Applied Heat Engineering (Technical Sciences) (2.4.6)