Statistical Signal Processing Method in the Laser Rangefinder’s Photodetector

  • Евгений [Evgeniy] Александрович [A.] Борисов [Borisov]
  • Алексей [Aleksey] Сергеевич [S.] Жабин [Zhabin]
Keywords: signal-to-noise ratio, statistical signal processing method, photodetector


The article discusses existing and advanced solutions for determining the air target parameters (distance and speed) by means of a laser radar, specifically, those implemented in the photodetectors used as part of the optical radar stations installed on board of military aircrafts. The optical receiver’s functional diagram is given, and the principle of its operation is explained. Experimental investigations of optical receiver noise and approximation of its distribution law are presented. The statistical signal processing algorithm is discussed in detail. The algorithm includes two stages: (i) determining the target location and (ii) refining its parameters from the collected data arrays on the receiving signal/noise mixes. This algorithm is incorporated into the FPGA integrated in the photodetector circuit. The algorithm simulation results are presented, and a conclusion has been drawn from them about the gains from using the developed algorithm in comparison with the currently used ranging method.

Information about authors

Евгений [Evgeniy] Александрович [A.] Борисов [Borisov]


Formation and Processing of Radio Signals Dept., NRU MPEI; JSC «Research and Production Corporation «Systems of Precision Instrument Making»


Ph.D.-student, Research Engineer

Алексей [Aleksey] Сергеевич [S.] Жабин [Zhabin]

Science degree:

Ph.D. (Techn.)


Formation and Processing of Radio Signals Dept., NRU MPEI; JSC «Research and Production Corporation «Systems of Precision Instrument Making»


Assistant Professor; Head of Department


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For citation: Borisov E.A., Zhabin A.S. Statistical Signal Processing Method in the Laser Rangefinder’s Photodetector. MPEI Vestnik. 2018;5:146—151. (in Russian). DOI: 10.24160/1993-6982-2018-5-146-151.
Radio Engineering and Communications (05.12.00)