• Темур [Temur] Паттахович [P.] Салихов [Salikhov]
  • Валерий [Valeriy] Викторович [V.] Кан [Кan]
  • Дилмурод [Dilmurod] Турдалиевич [T.] Юсупов [Yusupov]
Keywords: power transformer, regeneration, transformer oil, cellulose, mechanical impurity, purity class, ceramic membrane, mobile installation


The increase in a working resource of power transformers in the conditions of impossibility of mass replacement of installations with service life is over 30 years one of the most actual and uncontested tasks of power branch. Reliability and duration of operation of oil-filled transformers in many respects depends on quality of oil. In use power transformers there is an aging of oil and deterioration of its operational properties. There is a need of replacement of oil. However simple replacement of the fulfilled oil doesn't solve a problem of cleaning of cellulose isolation of the transformer. When loading fresh oil in the power transformer the class of purity of oil worsens on some units. It is connected with a condition of cellulose isolation. Cellulose accumulates on the surface and in the thickness oil aging products. When replacing oil isola-tion «gives» to fresh oil the collected pollution and significantly reduces efficiency of clearing actions. The purpose of work is approbation of the adsorptive technology of purification of oil with application of ceramic membranes for restoration of cellulose isolation of the power transformer. Oil is cleared of products of aging and particles of the mechanical impurity less than 5 microns in size making 95% of all mechanical pollution. For carrying out researches by authors the party of multilayered ceramic membrane filter elements withaverage porosity of 1 — 3 microns was made. The design of a cartridge filter device for thin purification of transformer oil on the basis of ceramic membranes is made. Regeneration of oil was carried out at the laboratory stand providing the circulating mode of the adsorptive cleaning with continuous removal of the mechanical impurity containing in initial oil, and the pollution which appeared when passing through adsorbent. The model scheme of the installation allowing to carry out washing of the transformer and simultaneous purification of the circulating oil is considered. Application of a method of cleaning of cellulose isolation will allow to prolong significantly service life of transformers and to increase economic and power efficiency of industrial facilities.

Information about authors

Темур [Temur] Паттахович [P.] Салихов [Salikhov]

Science degree: Dr.Sci. (Techn.)
Workplace Institute of Materials, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Occupation professo

Валерий [Valeriy] Викторович [V.] Кан [Кan]

Science degree: Ph.D. (Techn.)
Workplace Institute of Materials, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Occupation Senior Researcher

Дилмурод [Dilmurod] Турдалиевич [T.] Юсупов [Yusupov]

Workplace Institute of Energy and Automation, Academy of Sciences of Republic of Uzbekistan
Occupation junior researcher


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Power engineering (05.14.00)