A New Lighting Quality Criterion and its Approbation under Laboratory Conditions

  • Владимир [Vladimir] Павлович [P.] Будак [Budak]
  • Виктор [Viktor] Сергеевич [S.] Желтов [Zheltov]
  • Татьяна [Tatyana] Валерьевна [V.] Мешкова [Meshkova]
  • Виктор [Viktor] Дмитриевич [D.] Чембаев [Chembaev]
Keywords: glare rating, non-uniform luminance distribution, lighting quality criterion, glaring source, LEDs


The currently applied unified glare rating (UGR) takes into account discomfort from glare in complex scenes by breaking up arbitrarily shaped sources with non-uniform luminance that differ from small-angle ones into small-angle ones and assuming their luminance distribution to be uniform. Therefore, the UGR may turn to be insufficiently informative in rooms containing materials with high reflectivity, the lighting quality in which should be assessed taking into account the luminance at each point of the scene in all spatial directions. There is a need to broaden the URG content for such scenes and to introduce a new lighting quality criterion based on the physical sense of the discomfort concept from brilliant sources. Since the feeling of discomfort can only be determined experimentally, an experimental setup based on LEDs was constructed at the NRU MPEI Department of Lighting Engineering for studying the luminance at the comfort-discomfort boundary from small-angle sized and arbitrarily shaped sources. A conclusion has been drawn from the results of the accomplished experiments that the developed experimental setup and technique can be used for further investigations of the lighting quality criterion based the spatial-angular distribution of luminance in the observer's field of view

Information about authors

Владимир [Vladimir] Павлович [P.] Будак [Budak]

Dr.Sci. (Techn.), Professor of Lighting Engineering Dept., NRU MPEI, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Electrical Sciences of the Russian Federation, e-mail: BudakVP@mpei.ru

Виктор [Viktor] Сергеевич [S.] Желтов [Zheltov]

Ph.D. (Techn.), Assistant of Lighting Engineering Dept., NRU MPEI, e-mail: zheltov@list.ru

Татьяна [Tatyana] Валерьевна [V.] Мешкова [Meshkova]

Ph.D.-student of Lighting Engineering Dept., NRU MPEI, e-mail: tvmesh@mail.ru

Виктор [Viktor] Дмитриевич [D.] Чембаев [Chembaev]

Ph.D.-student of Lighting Engineering Dept., NRU MPEI, e-mail: chembervint@gmail.com


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Для цитирования: Будак В.П., Желтов В.С., Мешкова Т.В., Чембаев В.Д. Новый критерий качества освещения и его апробация в лабораторных условиях // Вестник МЭИ. 2020. № 1. С. 73—81. DOI: 10.24160/1993-6982-2020-1-73-81.
1. Luckiesh M., Holladay L.L. Glare and Visibility. Trans. IES. 1925;20:221—231.
2. Luckiesh M., Guth S.K. Brightness in the Visual Field at Borderline between Comfort and Discomfort. Illuminating Eng. 1949;4;11:650—670.

3. Veitch J.A., Newsham G.R. Determinants of Lighting Quality II: Research and Recommendations. American Psychological Association. 104th Annual Convention. Toronto, 1996;08;09:1—55.
4. Budak V.P., Zheltov V.S., Chembaev V.D., Meshkova T.V. Otsenka Kachestva Vnutrennego Osveshcheniya v Stsenakh s Neravnomernymi Bleskimi Istochnikami. GraphiCon: Trudy XXVIII Mezhdunar. Konf. po Komp'yuternoy Grafike i Mashinnomu Zreniyu. Tomsk: Izd-vo Tomskogo Gos. Un-ta, 2018:411—414. (in Russian).
5. Budak V.P., Zheltov V.S., Meshkova T.V., Notfullin R.Sh. Otsenka Kachestva Osveshcheniya na Osnove Prostranstvenno-uglovogo Raspredeleniya Yarkosti. Svetotekhnika. 2017;3:17—22. (in Russian).
6. CIE Proc. No.71. 21st Session. Venice. – Paris: CIE, 1987.
7. Klej A. e. a. Flicker (pstlm) and Stroboscopic Effect (svm) — Light Measurements in Photometrical Laboratories. Signify Developed Setup and Validation Method. Proc. 29th Session CIE. Washington, 2019;1:3—6.
8. Thorseth A. e. a. Measuring and Comparing Wave- forms of Temporal Light Modulation. Ibid:7—16.
9. Wang L.L. e. a. The Visibility of the Phantom Array Effect Under Office Lighting Condition. Ibid:17—21.
10. Pierson C. e. a. Discomfort Glare Cut-off Values from Field and Laboratory Studies. Ibid:295—305
11. Giovannini L. e. a. Annual Evaluation of Daylight Discomfort Glare: State of the Art and Description of a New Simplified Approach. Ibid:306—316.
12. Iodice M. e. a. Testing Experimental Methods for Discomfort Glare Investigations. Ibid:317—324.
13. Iwata T. e. a. Effects of Luminance Distribution and View on Evaluation of Discomfort Glare from Windows. Ibid:325—332.
14. Wu C. e. a. Visual Comfort Evaluation Method and Prediction Model Relating to Discomfort Glare: a Mockup Study of Luminous Environment in Airplane Cockpit. Ibid:610—614.
15. Ye C.H. e. a. Test Method of Luminance Dynamic Range for HDR Camera with CMOS Image Sensor. Ibid:629—635.
16. Long J. Visual Discomfort Associated with Ceiling Luminaires: Observations, Trends and Challenges 2009 — 2018. Ibid:1425—1433.
17. Funke C., Schierz Ch. Extension of the Unified Glare Rating Formula for Non-Uniform Led Luminaires. Proc. 12th Lux Junior Conf. Ilmenau, 2015:80—81.
18. Ferre C., Rand G. The Efficiency of the Eye under Different Conditions of Lighting. Trans. IES. 1914;10:407—415.
19. Safdar M., Ronnier M.L. A Neural Response-based Model to Predict Discomfort Glare from Luminance Image. Lighting Res. Techn. 2016;50 (3):1—13.
20. Hirning Mi. The Application of Luminance Mapping to Discomfort Glare: a Modied Glare Index for Green Buildings. Queensland: Queensland University of Technology Discipline of Physics, 2014.
For citation: Budak V.P., Zheltov VS., Meshkova T.V, Chembaev V.D. A New Lighting Quality Criterion and its Approbation under Laboratory Conditions. Bulletin of MPEI. 2020;1:73—81. (in Russian). DOI: 10.24160/1993-6982-2020-1-73-81.
Lighting Engineering (05.09.07)