Energy Efficient Use of Waste Petroleum Products as Fuel

  • Виталий [Vitaliy] Анатольевич [A.] Кожевников [Kozhevnikov]
  • Станислав [Stanislav] Константинович [K.] Попов [Popov]
Keywords: combustion of waste petroleum products, liquid fuel pollutants, energy efficiency


Waste petroleum products in Russia are a material stream generated in the petroleum and petroleum products technological transport system and is characterized by a multitude of heterogeneous components (spent oils, oil sludge, substandard liquid fuels, etc.) and by distribution of their sources throughout the country. Utilization of this stream in compliance with the environmental standards is a challenging issue. One of promising approaches to solving this problem is the use of waste petroleum products as fuel in related technologies with obtaining an energy saving effect.

The investigations based on which the requirements for waste petroleum products as fuel were set forth and fixed in the regulatory framework in some countries and also recognized by international law are reviewed. The development of a regulatory framework for using waste petroleum products as fuel is extremely important for the thermal power industry of Russia.

The results from the investigations into the properties of waste petroleum products conducted by certified laboratories for the Transneft system over the past 15 years have been analyzed. Information on the content of hydrocarbons, water and mechanical impurities, halogen- containing and other pollutants in the waste petroleum products, as well as data on their flash point, density, viscosity, and heating value have been arranged in a systematic way. Based on these processed data, three main types of waste petroleum products most promising for use as fuel and fuel components have been identified: spent oils, combustible part of oil sludge, and substandard diesel fuel.

An energy saving effect can be achieved through the use of heat generators operating on waste petroleum products as replacing power- generating installations in heat supply systems, hot water supply systems, and autonomous heating systems. A comparative analysis of possible circuit solutions for connecting heat generators operating on waste petroleum products as applied to Transneft system facilities has been carried out. A list of organizational and technical measures that will provide the maximum energy saving effect in implementing the proposed design solutions is given.

Information about authors

Виталий [Vitaliy] Анатольевич [A.] Кожевников [Kozhevnikov]

Kozhevnikov Vitaliy A. — Senior Researcher of Transneft R&D LLC, e-mail:

Станислав [Stanislav] Константинович [K.] Попов [Popov]

Popov Stanislav K. — Dr.Sci. (Techn.), Professor of Energetic of High-Temperature Technologies Dept., NRU MPEI, e-mail:


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For citation: Kozhevnikov V.A., Popov S.K. Energy Efficient Use of Waste Petroleum Products as Fuel. Bulletin of MPEI. 2020;2: 42—51. (in Russian). DOI: 10.24160/1993-6982-2020-2-42-51.
Industrial Power System (05.14.04)