Analyzing the Loss Functions in Training Convolutional Neural Networks with the Adam Optimizer for Classification of Imagess

  • Алексей [Aleksey] Николаевич [N.] Апарнев [Aparnev]
  • Олег [Oleg] Васильевич [V.] Бартеньев [Barten′ev ]
Keywords: neural network, loss function, data set, training history, classification accuracy


The problem of analyzing and determining the loss functions used in training convolutional neural networks (CNN), which provide the highest accuracy of image classification, is considered. The loss functions implemented on the basis of the Keras and TensorFlow machine learning libraries, using which CNNs can be designed, trained, and applied in the Python language, are analyzed. The MNIST, EMNIST and CIFAR10 datasets are used as image sources for CNN training and validation purposes. These data sets are used to train CNNs having different architectures, for each of which the history of its training is preserved (information about the accuracy of image classification on training and validation samples after each training epoch). The evaluation results are then generalized. The highest achieved accuracy of image classification makes it possible to justify the expediency of using the relevant loss functions in training the CNNs.

Information about authors

Алексей [Aleksey] Николаевич [N.] Апарнев [Aparnev]

Aparnev Aleksey N. — Ph.D.-student of Applied Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence Dept., NRU MPEI, e-mail:

Олег [Oleg] Васильевич [V.] Бартеньев [Barten′ev ]

Bartenev Oleg V.  —  Ph.D.  (Techn.), Assistant Professor of Applied  Mathematics  and Artificial Intelligence  Dept., NRU MPEI , e-mail:


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Для цитирования: Апарнев А.Н., Бартеньев О.В. Анализ функций потерь при обучении сверточных нейронных сетей с оптимизатором Adam для классификации изображений // Вестник МЭИ. 2020. № 2. С. 90—105. DOI: 10.24160/1993-6982-2020-2-90-105.
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3. LeCun Y. e. a. Back-propagation Applied to Handwritten Zip Code Recognition. Neural Computation. 1989;1;4:541—551.
4. LeCun Y. e. a. Gradient-based Learning Applied to Document Recognition. Proc. IEEE. 1998;86;11:2278— 2324.
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For citation: Aparnev A.N., Barten′ev O.V. Analyzing the Loss Functions in Training Convolutional Neural Networks with the Adam Optimizer for Classification of Images. Bulletin of MPEI. 2020;2:90—105. (in Russian). DOI: 10.24160/1993-6982-2020-2-90-105.
Mathematical and Software Support of Computing Machines, Complexes and Computer (05.13.11)