Studying the Features of Streamer Formation and Development in Air by Using Computation Experiments

  • Андрей [Andrey] Анатольевич [A.] Белогловский [Beloglovsky]
  • Сергей [Sergey] Вячеславович [V.] Белоусов [Belousov]
  • Ангелина [Angelina] Владимировна [V.] Галимова [Galimova]
Keywords: streamer electric discharge in air, electric field structure, mathematical modeling, computational experiment


The aim of the work is to estimate the relevance and current state of the problem of mathematical modeling of streamer discharges in air, as well as to identify the features pertinent to formation and initial development stage of two-head streamers in air by using computational experiments. The streamer discharge mathematical model developed at the National Research University Moscow Power Engineering Institute Department of High Voltage Engineering and Electrophysics was used as the research tool. It is shown that mathematical modeling of a streamer discharge can be effectively used in its studies and in training specialists in the field of electric power engineering and high-voltage electrical technologies. The article presents the results of computational experiments on studying the occurrence of streamers in a discharge gap filled with dry air with a uniform electric field (EF) under standard atmospheric conditions. The initial conditions were chosen so that a single-avalanche-streamer formation mechanism was realized. It is shown that in the considered range of initial conditions, the distance between the anode and initial inhomogeneity has a weak, within 1%, influence on the minimum and maximum values of electric field strength in the streamer. A different picture is observed on the anode surface. When a two-head streamer is formed in the discharge gap depth, the field strength at the anode remains close to the average strength in it. As the negative streamer head approaches the anode, the field strength on its surface increases to values close to those achieved in the positive head. After that, the field at the anode weakens rapidly to a level at which effective impact ionization becomes impossible. The article will be of interest for specialists and graduate students working in the field of electric power engineering and high-voltage electrical technologies.

Information about authors

Андрей [Andrey] Анатольевич [A.] Белогловский [Beloglovsky]

Ph.D. (Techn.), Assistant Professor of High Voltage Engineering and Electrical Physics Dept., NRU MPEI, e-mail:

Сергей [Sergey] Вячеславович [V.] Белоусов [Belousov]

Ph.D. (Techn.), Assistant Professor of High Voltage Engineering and Electrical Physics Dept., NRU MPEI

Ангелина [Angelina] Владимировна [V.] Галимова [Galimova]

Ph.D.-student of High Voltage Engineering and Electrical Physics Dept., NRU MPEI


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For citation: Beloglovsky A.A., Belousov S.V., Galimova A.V. Studying the Features of Streamer Formation and Development in Air by Using Computation Experiments. Bulletin of MPEI. 2022;6:61—67. (in Russian). DOI: 10.24160/1993-6982-2022-6-61-67
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