Creation of Digital Acoustic Model of Pressurizer of Nuclear Power Plant with Water-Water Power Reactor and its Practical Application

  • Константин [Konstantin] Николаевич [N.] Проскуряков [Proskuryakov]
Keywords: digital acoustic model, acoustic waves, filter, self-oscillations


The theoretical and computational justification of previously unknown properties of pressurizer as filter capable of suppressing acoustic waves whose frequencies fall into the vibration bandwidth of equipment, internal devices and support structures, is presented. Regulation of range of suppressed frequencies of acoustic waves is carried out by selecting geometric dimensions of connecting pipe the pressurizer with primary circuit or by changing the water level in pressurizer.

Information about author

Константин [Konstantin] Николаевич [N.] Проскуряков [Proskuryakov]

Dr.Sci. (Techn.), Professor of Nuclear Power Plants Dept., NRU MPEI, e-mail:


Для цитирования: Проскуряков К.Н. Создание цифровой акустической модели компенсатора давления атомной электрической станции с водо-водяным энергетическим реактором и её практическое применение // Вестник МЭИ. 2022. № 6. С. 126—127
For citation: Proskuryakov K.N. Creation of Digital Acoustic Model of Pressurizer of Nuclear Power Plant with Water-Water Power Reactor and its Practical Application. Bulletin of MPEI. 2022;6:126—127. (in Russian).
Nuclear Power Plants, Fuel Cycle, Radiation Safety (Technical Sciences) (2.4.9)